Empowered and Victorious: Atlanta Rage Conquers Alabama Fire 33-14!

Atlanta Rage players before kick-off. Photo by Dez Barnes

Have you ever wondered about Women’s tackle football? There is a world you have probably been sleeping on, and I am here to wake you up! The Women’s Football Alliance has been firing up the football world for some time now, and it has not been given the true highlight it deserves, which is why I was happy to not only find out about the league but to connect with the Atlanta Rage to bring more awareness and hopefully excitement to the sport. This article will highlight the Atlanta Rage’s last regular season home game that they dedicated to Women in Sports!

Football is one of America’s most connecting and high-spirited games and has also been creating considerable buzz in other countries. It is also a sport that has gone through many leagues to create a space of equality for men and women. Thus, it is essential to highlight and celebrate the women who are fierce but on the helmets and pads and go out there to play for their teams and women in general. 

The Atlanta Rage is sitting in its second season, where they finished 2nd overall in their inaugural season. But they have been dominating this season and can finish out as the number 1 overall if they continue on the route they have been on. Their game on May 25 was their dedicated “Women’s in Sports” game. It was their last regular season home game before they hit the road with two additional games remaining before playoffs. So, it was important that they showed out for not only each other but all the women who play, are involved with sports, aspire to play, and more! 

4th quarter action and the Rage were up! Photo: Dez Barnes

The Rage is comprised of all different high-level talents of women on and off the field. Entrepreneurs, public safety officers, coaches, trainers, champions, and more are on the team. The team shows that being a competitor on the field can also be done off the field in everyday life. The Rage shows that women are multifaceted and anything can be done with hard work and dedication.

Regarding the game, the Rage was coming in on top and had already beaten this team 21-3 during their last visit. The game started with a fierce kickoff, quickly leading to a touchdown. Although the Alabama Fire fought back quickly, adding a touchdown to the board, the Rage came with back-to-back touchdowns. 

They were leading 21-8 with 10:45 remaining in the second quarter. During pre-game interviews, the head coach’s primary focus for this game was defense and remaining disciplined. The Rage did pretty well as the first half was coming to a close. They made necessary stops and adjusted after the Fire made their first touchdown. They converted big third-down stops and capitalized on possession turnovers. 

A place where the Rage needed to work on is the point after kick. These struggles could eventually become game-changers if they come against a team as good as them, causing all points to matter. Either way, scoring a touchdown and getting the extra point to seal the deal is always good. 

Rage’s Head Coach during pre- game interviews discussing the defensive expectations. Photo: Dez Barnes

One applause to these women was that they were playing in the beam of the southern heat. The temperature ranged between 83-85 degrees, and the women were fighting hard without complaint. As we know, sometimes, weather and different conditions can bring out simple mistakes, create fatigue, or change the nature of the game. But not for the Rage.

They did not allow it to bother them at all. They played with the same amount of high energy, grit, and discipline. Maintaining the premier attitude that the team has and brings forth in their efforts to create a dominating dynasty.

As the half ended, the Rage got the ball back in their possession after a kickoff error from the Alabama Fire. The Rage were looking to take their score up right before the half, and with the lack of defensive scheme that the Fire had- it looked to be an easy feat. However, the defense kicked it into high gear and forced the Rage to have a turnover on downs for the first time in the game.

The ladies watched as the game became intense. Photo: Dez Barnes

The glimpse of excellence from the Fire left the question of whether they had finally found a system that worked for them. However, it would be in the second half where that really would be tested. As the Rage went into halftime, leading the way 27-8. 

After halftime, things started to heat up on both sides of the ball. The Fire got better on defense but faced an even sturdier defense against the Rage. They could score again, but their unstructured offense wore down their defense.

The Fire began to play more confidently and even started to trash talk more on the field, which rallied up the Rage’s sideline. This was the change in momentum that they needed. Although they looked good and dominated within the first half, they started to show off during the second. Creating critical hits and blocks against the Fire that stopped their offensive momentum. 

The Fire challenged the Rage, but they overcame it and dominated to secure the 33-14 victory. The Fire could be a team of high contention with some offensive fine-tuning. They could maintain a better field position in the future. As far as the Rage, they have the grit, energy, and ability. 

The last regular season home game was dedicated to Women in Sports and sealed with a win. Photo: Dez Barnes

Their biggest compliment, though, is their ability to play as a team. The camaraderie is unmatched, and the energy that spills over from the sidelines onto the field from the players, coaches, and support staff is truly admirable. Although the crowd is not as big as it could be, they are mighty and supportive, creating an atmosphere that stands up to the WFA’s motto- “Here for Her”! Needless to say- the Atlanta Rage has a lot of potential!

This team is on a high projection to succeed even though they are only in their second season; they show in every movement and opportunity why they are the epitome of premier standard in this league. You are missing out if you have not been to a Rage game. 

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