Contract Demands

During Free Agency we here a lot of talk about contracts. The clauses, bonuses, restrictions they have. There is a contract for the one thing, everyone is searching for. Today we explore what that is and what demands we must fulfill to get it.

What are you doing

Have you ever seen a fan charge a player and ask, “What are you doing?” Fandom does not give you the same privileges’ as players. Same principle applies in the game of life.

The Best & The Rest

The Miracle on Ice, The Giants SB win to spoil the Pats undefeated season, Buster Douglas KO’s Tyson. Against all odds they won, like David defeating Goliath. How can we be victorious when defeat is imminent?


The Panthers said the future is now. They went all in to get Bryce Young. How desperate are you to change your situation?

I’ve Got This!

We have all had instances where we have overestimated out abilities. What drives us to do this? In today’s Time Out we’ll explore those motivators and how to avoid these mistakes in the future.

Training Table

Training Tables are common place in sports. The quality of them are established by the found in the best of organizations. What does God’s look like, and how can we be made better by it?

You Know Him, Right?

So often we say we know someone because we know certain facts or things about them. Without spending time in there presence and getting to know their character, we can’t really know them.


The Pyramids, The Declaration of Independence, Notre Dame Cathedral. These things have been around for a long time but they will all come to an end.

Draft Day

On Draft Day, young people achieve their goal of making it to the big leagues. On the outside we would think that they have arrived, but it’s only the beginning.